Book Your Drum Journey
Zoe has been mentoring entrepreneurs how to re-wild their business for over a year.
Having trained as a Shamanic Womancraft Practitioner through the School of Shamanic Womancraft, Zoe is adept at guiding you on a drum journey to the other realms to connect with the animal ally of your business.

What is a Drum Journey?
A drum journey is a sacred, ceremonial and guided process that takes about an hour.
We all have spiritual guides both on the earth plane and in the other realms.
How we choose to connect with them varies from person to person.
Drum journeying, guided by a trained shamanic practitioner, is one of the best ways to connect with your guides and allies.
Some Animal Ally Examples...
Birth Time’s animal ally is a Cicada.
The wisdom shared is...
'On our own it can be difficult to be heard, but together we can be deafening'.

How do I Collaborate with the Animal Ally?
Many businesses have become stagnant.
We have forgotten that they have their own spirit - just like a living entity.
The sooner we connect to our business in this way, the sooner the doorway opens to greater abundance.
We can commune with the animal ally of your business - utilizing them as a powerful mentor & guide.
Consider it like your own spiritual board of directors, business counsel and sacred advisory board.
You can turn to it when things get tough, decision making is hard and there is a fork in the road.
Once we meet your business’ animal ally we will apply its wisdom to any pressing issues or concerns you hold for your business.
What Entrepeneurs are Saying...

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